
Yoga for a Healthy Heart

Heart disease is something that I deal with everyday. It is the #1 killer of both men and women in the modern world. The good news is that heart disease and the many risk factors that lead to heart disease are largely preventable.  The sad news is that most Americans...

Release your inner child with Yoga

Your inner child is a part of you, a part of your personality that exhibits childlike behaviors, emotions and thoughts. It is spontaneous, playful, creative, restful. For many of us, it lies buried deeply as a result of unresolved childhood drama, adulthood, society...

Yoga for Chronic Pain

Millions of people live with chronic pain. Arthritis and back pain are probably the two most common forms, but pain can exist for a multitude of reasons. To name a few – systemic illness such as cancer, migraines, fibromyalgia, depression or obesity. Many...