
Heart disease is something that I deal with everyday. It is the #1 killer of both men and women in the modern world. The good news is that heart disease and the many risk factors that lead to heart disease are largely preventable.  The sad news is that most Americans either don’t know this or choose not to make the necessary lifestyle changes, opting instead for a pill or pills that can not reverse heart disease.

Dr. Dean Ornish, well respected doctor, author, and healthcare leader, has shown through scientific research, that COMPREHENSIVE lifestyle changes can REVERSE even severe heart disease. His program combines:

  • low fat, vegetarian whole food nutrition
  • monitored fitness
  • group support
  • stress management

The stress management component, an important component of the program, is a set of YOGA techniques – stretching, meditation, deep breathing, deep relaxation and imagery.

How does yoga contribute to a healthy heart?

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Improves lung capacity
  • Helps manage stress
