

Your inner child is a part of you, a part of your personality that exhibits childlike behaviors, emotions and thoughts. It is spontaneous, playful, creative, restful. For many of us, it lies buried deeply as a result of unresolved childhood drama, adulthood, society and perceived expectations.

Yoga, on many different levels, allows us to get in touch with and release our inner child – the playful, creative and restful child. The act of stepping onto our mats frees us from our everyday responsibilities, our to-do list, and gives us permission to just be present in the moment and have fun without judgement, much like a child.

We may try to balance on onefoot (Tree Pose) csm_treepose_615025eb0e

or perhaps on our hands (Handstand)  yoga-pose-handstand-3152-1– and when we accomplish it, what ensues (I can personally attest to) is a child’s joy. But you don’t have to do a handstand to release your inner child.  Just revel in Child’s Pose or Happy Baby Pose, the blissful result is the same. yin childs pose jc