

As I’m getting ready for my trip to India, I have been asked many times, “WHY are you going to India?

While those who know me, know that I want to see ALL the world and will go anywhere; India, I believe will be a unique journey. The birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi, India is also the birthplace of Yoga. As a yogi, I’ve always been curious about and drawn to the country where it all began.

Yoga has grown very popular in the western world, mostly as a physical exercise. I. personally am thrilled that so many people are now drawn to yoga. However, the yoga of India, which has its roots approximately 2500 years ago, is of a much more spiritual practice.

Yogis go to India to deepen their understanding of this ancient practice because we know that this is the real gift of yoga. There is just something just so exciting about practicing yoga where so many of our legendary yoga leaders -T. Krishnamacharya, K. Pattabhi Jois, B.K.S. Iyengar, Swami Vivekananda have been and practiced.

India, however, will come will its challenges. India is a vast country with over one billion people. I have been told that India is like no other place, a land of tremendous diversity and contrasts which will awaken all of your senses and emotions.

So, here I go! With an open mind and an open heart, I am ready for what I believe will be a journey of a lifetime.

“Where is the delusion when truth is known? Where is the disease when the mind is clear?

 Therefore surrender to Yoga.” – T. Krishnamacharya