February is Heart Awareness Month – A time when many of us connect with our hearts. This connection is primarily because of the holiday, Valentine’s Day. But along with Valentine’s Day, February also marks American Heart Month, a great time to commit to a healthy lifestyle and make small changes that can lead to a lifetime of heart health. Heart disease is still the leading cause of death of men and women, despite the tremendous advances we have made in the treatment of heart disease. So, maybe the solution for heart health is prevention. Make heart health the perfect gift you give to yourself and your loved ones this Valentine’s Day.
This month, follow along as we discuss various aspects of heart health, including risk factors, prevention, screening, heart healthy diet and stress management.
Let’s start by asking ourselves: Am I at risk for heart disease?
Common risk factors for heart disease
- Hypertension or High Blood Pressure
- Diabetes Mellitus or High Blood Glucose
- Hypercholesterolemia or High Cholesterol
- Smoking Cigarettes
- Stress
- Age
- Family History of Premature Heart Disease
The good news is that most of these are preventable, modifiable and treatable with attention to the right foods and regular exercise. Sorry.. can’t do anything about your age or family.
So, let’s get Heart Smart this month and beat heart disease. February 3th is National Wear Red Day to raise national awareness of heart disease. Why not wear red everyday this month to maintain awareness to our heart health.
First tip: WALK. Log those steps. Every step you take is a part of your journey to heart health. Walking briskly can reduce your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Rx: 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity physical activity (brisk walking) or 75 minutes a week of vigorous intensity physical activity (such as jogging or running) or a combination of both. Keep me posted on your progress and send pictures of your activities wearing red!
Dr Lee signing off…..