
It’s Time To Discover How To Lower Your Heart Disease Risk

  • Learning why your cholesterol levels (even if they are high) are not an accurate indicator of your risk for cardiac issues

  • Why traditional forms of heart testing only gives you a small part of the equation to diagnosing your REAL risk
  • Why you may be putting your heart at a higher level of risk if you are following old nutritional “heart healthy” diet advice which is just plain wrong

In This Report, You’ll Discover…

Why New Forms of Testing Can Illuminate Your True Risk

Over 600 million Americans are suffering from chronic heart disease. Many people have a life-threating (or life-ending) cardiac event because they don’t know their true risk. Get the proper testing!

Learn The Correct Style of Heart Healthy Eating Backed By New Science

Most of the “accepted” wisdom about eating for heart health, that is still sadly being advised, is miles behind the most recent science. Find out what’s really important to eat to drastically lower your risk and deal with some of the root causes at the same time!

A Completely Different Professional Approach To Your Heart Health

Tired of worrying about your risk? “One-size-fits all” therapies like prescribing cholesterol meds without dealing with the root causes will never help you balance your heart health and lower your risks.

Your journey back to heart health starts today!

© 2020 Millie Lee, MD, P.C. • 6 E 39th Street Suite 1000 New York, NY 10016 • Phone: (929) 295-2851